Yes, I'm sitting in a quiet corner at Heathrow Airport, feeling quite chipper, actually (note the smile on my face and not too much of that "deer in the headlights" look), and I thought it would be a good time to post my first official blog. It's not as if I don't have some spare time - my flight to Entebbe leaves at 9:10 pm, and it's 4:15 am now. Well, okay, it's 4:15 am Fort Worth time, and it's 10:15 am London time. But that still gives me ten hours to play with.
So I am branching out, technology-wise, taking little baby steps. I bought 24 hours of internet time from Boingo Hotspot - Heathrow does not have free wifi - and I have felt quite proud of myself for figuring out how to do that AND how to upload a photo of myself from my phone. I would be even more proud had I remembered to pack the digital camera cable in my overnight bag instead of somewhere in my 200 pounds of checked luggage so that I could have uploaded a good photo from the beautiful digital camera my family bought me just for that reason, but, hey - baby steps, remember! Well, I gave the man sitting across from me something to laugh about as he watched me try to get a decent photo from a razr phone.
The flight from DFW to Heathrow went well and actually seemed shorter than it was, probably because I spent much of the time trying to sleep ("trying" being the operative word.) btw, I knew I was on British Airways when I asked for tea and they gave me a cup of freshly brewed hot tea instead of a cup of hot water and a tea bag. Also btw, perhaps it's the accent, but the British flight attendants all seemed so polite!
When I did my Bible reading this morning, the first words of the Psalm I was on (I try to read one Psalm a day) were these: "Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." (Psalm 96:1-3) Wow! I feel as if the Psalmist wrote it just for me. The Lord is giving me a new song and He is sending out to the nations. Thank you, Lord! Please pray that I am faithful and that I am a good servant.
I'm not going to talk about my actual leave-taking on this blog. It's still too recent, and I don't want to cry anymore right now. I'll talk about that later, but thanks to everyone who participated in that leave-taking. Thanks for your love and your well-wishes and your prayers. A special thanks for my darling daughter Jenni for getting us all together on fairly short notice.
I think I'll go wander around and see what cool stuff the shops at Heathrow have to offer. Talk to you again soon!
Good Morning Mary Beth!! We are so excited for you! Not only because YOU are so excited but we are confident that your chasing God down for your calling has made Him excited too! We know that He will do great things through you and you will bless many with your sweet spirit and God's abounding love that just flows from you! We will continue to pray for you, those you will touch and look forward to your posts!
Love, Russell, Gina, Cole & Luke
I am glad to hear from you Mary Beth. Thanks for sending me the flag ceremony stuff before you left. Onward and upward.
hooray! i'm so glad you made it, mom, and i'm so glad you're blogging! your first one is just great, i have no advice at all. i miss you so much already, but i'm so excited and proud about what you're doing. have a great flight to uganda. let us know when you get there, and don't forget to sign on to ichat sometimes to see if we're on and we can video chat! i love you!
Hey Mary Beth! Glad your trip is going so well so far! I'm proud of your technology expertise. : )
that last comment was from sarah, she didn't realize i was still logged in....
= )
Good morning Mary Beth!!!! I am so excited for you...but I can't believe you are really gone...a little overwhelmed knowing you are not just a phone call away though. I hate that I missed your send-off...however, I would have cried the whole time, so knowing that, it was probably for the best. Everyone here at BPPW misses you...especially me!
I pray that God leads you into many many blessings on your trip and that He brings you back to us safe, sound and strong.
Take care and we will talk to you soon!!!
Love, Wendy (WCR)
Mary Beth,
Thought I saw you in church and it was very bittersweet...sad because you werent there and I wont see you but oh so happy that you are able to fulfill your purpose!
So glad to hear you have had a safe and interesting journey so far. I look forward to experiencing your journey through you and others experience Jesus through you. Keep us posted.
I love you.
Hi Mary Beth! I was excited to hear that you were able to travel around the world and fulfill a life dream. Uganda will be amazing, I'm sure. I'm looking forward to reading your blog and seeing amazing pics.
You are the woman!!! Wow!! What an exciting adventure. We will be checking your blog to hear all about your life in Uganda -- and if you get tired of Africa, there's always Mexico. Blessings to you as you follow God's calling. We love you!
Sam, Ann, Victoria, Sofia and Olivia
So excited that God answered this prayer! I've been keeping you in my prayers since we last spoke and am soooo happy that you got to go. Keep us updated and we'll continue to pray that El-Shaddai will continually show you that He is willing to supply when we ask.
Blessings and Joy -Melissa
We are thrilled with the work God has gifted us here in St. George, Romania. But, I have to tell you that I get so excited about how God is using you in Uganda! Did you ever imagine how wonderful it really would be to serve the Lord among those beautiful people?
A friend is making a website for us http://montara.com/dan. While Dan and Rosemarie are reading with LST Readers, i will be working on the text for gods-children.org.
Love and joyful prayers for you, Anne & Dan
Correction - our new website will be http://gods-children.org
Right now, I am blogging at the montara.com/dan.
Blessings, Anne
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